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„Alles, was uns begegnet, läßt Spuren zurück, alles trägt unmerklich zu unserer Bildung bei.“
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

unsere Aktivitäten


Mission erfüllt – Schulhof-Makeover!

Originalbeitrag Förderverein Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Aufruf zur Neugestaltung des Schulhofes? Nun, wir können voller Stolz verkünden: Mission erfüllt! Das Wochenende war eine absolute Erfolgsgeschichte und…

Terminanfrage zur Schulanmeldung 2024/25






Der Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Schule ist eine aufregende Zeit. Da aufgrund der Einschränkungen durch die Pandemie im letzten Schuljahr kein Kennlerntag für unsere Schulanfänger stattfinden konnte, starteten…

What Parents Says

We were looking for a perfect school for our son and it was not easy to find an appropriate one. Fortunately, we learnt about Smart KIDS and were pleasantly surprised. Smart KIDs is a school of a new age. The educational process is passing interesting and dynamic. Kids are involved and not tired.
Ryan Parker
I am really happy that my kids go to Smart KIDS. They always tell about different activities, they do in their classes. The school often organizes excursions and trips, that let kids spend time with their classmates not only at school. My kids always go to school with a smile on their faces.
David Brown
Smart KIDS has everything for making productive and interesting educational environment for kids. The school follows innovational approaches in education. High-quality books and classroom equipment promote effective work of pupils. Teachers are very kind and careful.
Kim Adams

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